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Sunday, March 05, 2006

First Post

If I talk to myself, is anyone listening? Sometimes. Well, maybe by writing in this blog on what I observe in daily will be therapy. One can try.

Let's start with the TV coverage of the Olympics.

Watching the coverage on NBC TV is making me nuts. The actual coverage is great. But why do they stretch the programing till 11:30 p.m. EST? I would love for my son to see the complete competition, well let's be correct, a replay of the coverage. I suppose in order to sell advertising and boost ratings they stretch out the night as late as possible.

Are the Olympics about young athletes achieving dreams so that even younger people can make it their dream? Then why are the greatest performances shown so late. It's not live. As is the case with the Olympics being held outside the US most of the coverage is "held" till prime time -- 8 p.m. Kids are missing the best performances because they are held so late. Oh Well.


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