Proof that drivers on their cell phones are not aware of their surroundings occurred today while driving back to the office from lunch. Approaching a very busy intersection, four lanes in my direction, both outside lanes turning lanes, I noticed a truck with Hazmat placards on it in the center left lane set to go through the intersection. The placard note the truck was carrying Class 1 - Explosives Division 1.1 Explosives with a mass explosion hazard. Here is a list of what could have been in the truck: Listing of Class 1 materials
I have no problem with the truck transporting hazardous materials. It was the minivan with the soccer mom who pulled up behind it I have the problem with. Initially she stopped a reasonable distance behind the truck, also right next to me. She was chatting on her cell phone and I could see a little one in the back seat strapped into a car seat. As we waited for the light to change, she gradually inched her way all the way up to the bumper of the truck carrying the explosives. Of course chatting on the cell phone the whole time. Had she been hit from behind at this close range, surely there would have been injuries, but who knows what cold have happened to the load of hazardous materials. DUMB, DUMB and DUMBER.
The driver of the minivan clearly needs to take a defensive driving class. Go to the National Safety Council for their list of Defensive Driving courses.
I'm pretty sure the driver of the truck carrying the explosives has had much training on transporting and handling the materials. Too bad the general public is clueless to protecting their own safety, that of their passengers and all others around them.